Pre teen/teenage skin 💙💕

Pre teen/teenage skin 💙💕

💙 Pre teen/ teen routine 💙

This week I was inundated with questions about Noah’s little routine and what/why he uses these 2 products.

So some simple rules when starting a routine for pre teens/ teenagers on a skin routine (these are general and will need to be tweaked to treat different concerns/allergies/skin types).

💙 Don’t introduce lots of steps, they are less likely to it. A cleanser and moisturiser to start with.

💙 Young skin with no major concerns does not need very strong active ingredients like salicylic acid. Using too strong of ingredients can cause more harm than good in young skin.

💙 Make sure they know how to fully remove the cleanser, product left on the skin can cause dehydration

💙 If your teen has started to show signs of breakouts or already has them, seek out a therapist and buy them products that will work and not picking up products every time your out shopping. Buy what will help with professional guidance, making an informed buy will mean you spend less in the long run. Caudalie have a fantastic range of natural ingredients and are cost effective and work. We offer a free online consultation or you can currently pop into the salon for retail and a chat while we are awaiting our opening date. 

💙 If they play sport try get them in the routine of cleansing their skin and body afterwards to help combat breakouts forming on the body too.

💙 If your girl has started to wear make up, educate her on how to wash her brushes and how to store them. A make up sponge/brush pulled out of the bottom of a school bag isn’t very hygienic on the skin! Hello breakouts and the never ending cycle of using a dirty make up brush multiple times during the day to cover up and in turn actually making them worse!

💙 hormones at this age can be a nightmare! If it’s not the emotions affected it’s the skin! Or both! Hormones tend to bring on the on set of breakouts because they are raising and falling. Hormones can cause oil production to rise or stop! Dry skin can be hormones too! Skincare won’t stop hormones but using the correct ones can help with the effects of them!

💙 diet can be a tough one at this age. High sugar and dairy can be a contributing factor to acne getting worse. Try to encourage them to drink more water too!

💙 Young skin like this only needs to be exfoliated lightly twice a week. 

💙 Encourage your teen to have a regular sleep pattern, staying up late watching you tube or playing video games will have a negative effect on the skin too. When you get enough sleep you body can deal better with balancing out hormones.

💙 DO NOT POP PIMPLES!  Avoid this as mouth as possible, popping pimples can sometimes spread the bacteria underneath the skin and spread it into the follicle next door and hey presto you’ve another new breakout tomorrow! Picking your breakouts can also cause scaring and pigmentation. Use the purifying mask from caudalie and let it go to work.  

💙 even if your skin is oily use a moisturiser! 

💙 Have a chat with us and customise a Noah Skincare box to suit your pre teen/teen. These make the prefect Christmas present and will introduce a simple routine to have the best skin health. This will introduce a lifetime routine that your teen will carry through life. Men in particular need a skincare routine as their skin is being shaved and more so that women (not sexist) subject to the elements more (think of a lorry driver/ farmer) all those rays bouncing of that glass straight onto their skin for hours on end. If you start as a teen you’ll automatically do it for the rest of your life or at least be more likely to! 

💙 please do get in touch if you need some advice for your teen. You give us your budget and their skin concern and we’ll make you up a lovely presented skincare box. 

💙 Stephanie 💕

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