SPF is your BFF- lets talk about sunscreen

SPF is your BFF- lets talk about sunscreen

Lets talk about SUNSCREEN! 

Are you using it every day?  Should you?  What kind should you use?

I am sure you have many questions, because lets face it-there are so many options and it is all confusing.

I need to dispel one little rumor before we get going.  The sun-is not bad.  There is a reason that sitting in the sun feels so damn good, and that we look better when we have gotten a little.  The sun, as you know, is necessary for Vitamin D3 production which is an essential vitamin that harmonizes cell function and strengthens our skin and bones.  Our bodies are designed to absorb sunlight, and we must do so in order to stay healthy.  Basking in the sun and absorbing its beauty in the morning and afternoon hours-all year round will keep you healthier and happier.  The threshold is to get out of the sun once your skin begins to respond...that means getting pink and blotchy or feeling hot.  In Ireland we need to take further steps to keep Vitamin D levels high, especially in the winter months by supplementing with Advanced Nutrition Programme.   

The issue with the sun comes with excessive exposure.  A little sun is good, a sunburn is very damaging.  You especially want to be careful if you carry the red head gene.  This MC1R gene found in those with Irish, Scottish or Norther European heritage absorb ultra violet light differently and are at a much higher risk for skin cancer.

I know many of my clients are concerned about premature aging as well as pigmentation issues within the skin.  We start to see this in our 30's and it is because of the excessive damage we have incurred since childhood.  Every sunburn creates oxidative stress on the skin cells, which slowly damages the cells DNA.  This damage is compounding, but can also be healed-if we change our habits and begin to treat the skin early enough.  Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, applying Vitamins A, C & E topically and a mineral sunscreen are essential.

Now lets talk sunscreen!  

Hands down, I recommend a mineral based sunscreen.  Chemical sunscreens are being phased out of the market because they are bad for us and bad for the environment.  Chemicals like Octinoxate or Oxybenzone test fine in the bottle, but when these ingredients are baked into the skin while in the sun-they become carcinogenic.  Minerals like  Zinc Oxide form a veil over the skin to shield you from UVA/UVB as well as blue light from our screens.  At Skin & Tonic we stock Environ skincare Rad spf and Eminence Organic Skincare spf as well as Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup with Spf protection because they are formulated to hit all of the markers for safe sunscreen.  These products are also rich in antioxidants, which is important to lessen the oxidative stress from Ultra Violet Radiation.

I found Environs Rad Spf after exhausting all different types of sunscreen on my son Noah.  His super fair skin would burn regardless of what products I was using, and then the next day he would wake up with eczema patches all over his body because of the excessive alcohols in traditional sunscreens.  I decided to try Rad while on holiday in Orlando as it was part of my skincare routine, although I was hesitant as its Spf 15-and for the first time ever we spent the day in the sun without a burn and without an eczema flare up.  Ever since, I have been using Environs Rad on Noah's Skin both at home and while on holidays. Another lesson in your get what you pay for! 

In order to keep our skin healthy and protected against the premature signs of aging, we need small doses of the sun as much as possible.  But anything more than that, you must protect yourself!  Antioxidants, Vitamin D and mineral sunscreens are essential to keep us looking and feeling our best.  If you are in need of an SPF product you can wear everyday that will not clog your skin or feel like a heavy sunscreen, fill out our online consultation form and we can find the perfect option for you!


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