Ear Candles (1 pair)
Ear Candles (1 pair)
BIOSUN Ear Candles are about 22 cm long and the burning time per ear candle is 10 to 12 minutes. Ear candles are put into operation by ignition with fire. There is a risk of burns! Keep the ear candles out of the reach of children. For safety reasons, ear candles are not recommended for self-use. The application must always be carried out by a second person (such as a partner or partner). This makes the application safer and the relaxation experience can be experienced much more intensively. Always make a glass of water before the beginning to extinguish the remains of the ear candle!
Create a relaxed atmosphere for use. With closed eyes you experience the ear candle experience many times more intense. The room must not be draughty and the flame must always be quiet. The effect of the ear candles is at its best in a comfortable side position. The head is supported by a pillow and the ear canal is almost vertically pointing upwards. During the combustion process small, cold ash particles can flow away in drafts in the room. To protect your hair and clothing, your partner can cover the area with a cloth as a precaution.
As a result of the flame movement during burning, slight negative pressure (chimney effect) and biodynamic vibration waves occur in the indoor air column, resulting in a soft eardrum massage and physical pressure equalization. The heat stimulates the blood circulation and intensifies the lymph circulation. In addition, energy points and reflex zones are stimulated. This physical effect is often described subjectively as a soothing, pressure and analgesic feeling immediately after application, especially in the ear head area. Spontaneously it can also lead to freer nasal breathing and a better sense of smell, even with a previously filled nose.
Light the Biosun Ear Candles on the unlabeled end and place them with the non-burning end perpendicular to your external ear canal. With gentle rotating movement and gentle pressure, until the ear candle is sealed on the side. The ear candle is correctly placed if there is no white vapor from the side and you can hear the crackling of the flame. Using the ear candle The ear candle is held by your partner throughout the application. The partner ensures that there are no hairs in the vicinity of the flame! At the latest, when the ear candle has burned to 1 cm above the rotating safety marking, the remainder must be carefully removed and extinguished in a glass of water. Quench the ear candle, it never goes out by itself! Always handle both ears, each ear with one ear candle. A further rest of about 15 to 30 minutes supports the overall experience extremely positively.